More sustainable and inclusive communities
through traditional games, leisure and education!
Who are we?
Thamani Foundation was incorporated on November 18, 2021, in Ottawa and is committed to working in Ontario, across Canada and internationally in five main areas: traditional games, leisure, education, culture and sustainable development. Our organization wants to be a major contributor to the development of traditional games and toys and leisure activities in Ontario and internationally through its various local, regional and international programs and events.
Our areas represent the common thread of the foundation’s projects and aim to support the conception and sharing, the promotion and the development of traditional games and toys, sports, playful practices, eco-responsible and inclusive leisure activities, the promotion of edutainment devices for the social and cultural development of all people regardless of their gender or ethnic origin in Ontario, Canada and internationally. We wish to encourage cultural dialogue between peoples, raise specific issues related to our areas of social and cultural intervention and community activism.
Calendar of Events
There are no events for now.